
The Hungry Hippopotamus

I have known Stephanie Kappel for many years. We went to school together, were cheerleaders together, and both spent a lot of time in the art department at Germantown Academy.

Stephanie started a cookie company called The Hungry Hippopotamus. When she asked Visually Delicious to help with the companies branding, of course I jumped at the opportunity.

Stephanie is so so talented. Her craft is impeccable, every cookie is rolled, cut, decorated and packaged by hand!

Vis.Del. created an adorable yet modern logo. We chose an array of bright fun colors that rotate, making for a very lively brand.

See more Hungry Hippopotamus branding at the Visually Delicious website. 

I will be working with Stephanie to take the Hungry Hippopotamus brand to the next level - some exciting things are on the way! In the mean time like Hungry Hippopotamus on facebook!!


Holiday Shop! My holiday section over at etsy has gone live. I will be posting more products, so check back often. Also, use the code earlybird for free shipping!


the 2012 visually delicious calendar was inspired by a series of collages I made. I took each of the collages scanned them and create patterns....which are now featured in the calendar!

here are a few pics of the calendar.


you can pick one up at my shop! visuallydelicious.etsy.com


Hello Blogosphere!

I have made the decision that I must start blogging again. In addition to once again writing and cataloging things I love from around the interwebs, I am going to make this a place to focus on my creative process. I envision it to be more of a digital sketchbook - a place to keep track of my successes, failures, and what inspires my design.

So check back often - as I resurrect and refocus the visually delicious blog!


New Website!

Check out some new visually delicious work at www.gabriellelackman.com!

Coming soon an updated blog + a new store!


people's pops!

what a marvelous concept - a popsicle shop! Their shop looks super cute and who doesn't love a cold delicious popsicle...or shaved iced...

Visually pleasing and totally delicious! I can't wait to go visit.

Check out their blog, website, and visit the shop!


next time i host a party...

A friend from work recently shared a link for Baked by Melissa. She makes tiny mini cupcakes. I have a mini cupcake pan but I do not think the cupcakes are as little as these...

These cupcakes are so cute and the perfect size (you can try every flavor and not feel too guilty!) If you live in NYC go try them...if you don't live in the big apple - they ship nationwide! The flavors are so what limited - but it's an adorable idea.

I also discovered Hammond's Candies. I remember having a lemons with candy straws in elementary school...
Hammond's sells candy cocktail straws. Think of all the fun drinks you could sip through these delicious beverage accessories...