
featured fresh | hi five designs

This blog gives me a chance for me to share the work of some of my very talented & inspired friends.

Deanna Agresti, lives and works in Rhode Island. Holding two degree's from RISD, she works in various media ranging from silkscreening to bookbinding. She loves color and pattern {these are two of my favorite things as well!}. Deanna also teaches highschool art in Providence.

Visit her website Hi Five Designs for fun & affordable invitations!



Visit the Visually Delicious etsy shop!

More cards, prints & pretty things will be added over the next few days! Including Valentines!

upholstery fabric search

I have been on a mission to find the perfect fabric to recover two chairs. My grandfather built the chairs and they have a very clean sixties feel about them. I will post pictures of them tonight.

I think I am set on using an Amy Butler fabric. I love them all & can't decide which I want to use!

here's to a new year!

With 2008 coming to a close, one of my new years resolutions is to blog more!

I received this desktop calendar from iLee. It is absolutely beautiful!
Letterpress, silkscreen & foilstamping, vibrant colors & delightful design.